We are delivering, creative services and diversifying our engagement with young people. 
  • 1-1 support. Receiving Referrals for young people who are vulnerable to exploitation, struggling with lockdown and the transition back into the community

  • Providing support and advice to parents/carers Concerned about their young people going back into/ or getting into crime, drugs and violence 

  • Providing, consultation, information, education and awareness to professionals, communities, faith groups, youth clubs and parents

  • Virtual workshops and training
  • Provide youth diversionary activities for those on the peripheral of crime. 


We work on a one-to-one basis and in small groups, large group PSHE lessons/Assemblies and street-based interventions. In addition we mentor young offenders in prison and develop transformative initiatives to support and empower them in prisons through therapeutic activities, motivational support, and community engagement. T



Early Intervention

It is well established that early intervention can significantly reduce the numbers of young people going through the criminal justice system, which starts with school exclusion and then often leads to probation and prison.


Author: Bali Rodgers

Referrals and Safeguarding

Our referrals for one to one mentoring sessions come from many different sources and areas : Young people, Social services, Early Help, Parents, Police, Youth offending teams, Prisons, Community groups, Schools and Faith groups.



Breaking Better

The inspirational book that is having a transformational effect on a generation in crisis!



Refocus Steering Group

Refocus steering group support the co-design of our services.


Author: Bali Rodgers

Our impact


Of programme participants make positive changes in their lifestyles.


Young People reached in large and small groups.


Girls reached through addressing low self-esteem, gang membership & risky behaviours

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Latest news

  • Breaking Better

    The inspirational book that is having a transformational effect on a generation in crisis! Read more

  • Live on Sky News

    Lennox has appeared on Sky numerous times and is very well known for talking about gang culture having lived in the criminal underworld as a drug dealer and armed robber. About 10 years ago Lennox Rodgers turned his life around and set up the Charity Refocus, along with his wife Bali. Breaking Better focuses on issues in the home that have broken down, cultural issues, racism issues and other issues that young people are facing today. Read more