We are very proud of our history and track record supporting at-risk young people in communities and have reached over 30,000 in the last 13 years.
We have a history of interventions ranging from early intervention workshops such as substance misuse, Prison consequences, prison visits, Outreach engaging with young people in crime hot spots to now working with young people in an in-depth way through mentoring and intervention programmes.
We have delivered “Be an prisoner for the day” in partnership with many prisons, probation and police, all over the country, Run residential’s with youth services, fishing, engaging youth in the sport with the police to break down barriers, visited music studios to help young people, through other diversionary activities.
Our vision is that young people will have lives in which they fulfil their potential, by making the best of their education and opportunities and engage in positive relationships and behaviours. Read more
Refocus was started in 2005 after Lennox Rodgers, who had been in and out of prison for a period of 21 years, had been involved in gang culture, was asked to run some open discussions with a South East London gang. Read more